Glory began taking home photos at the age of 10, always had a camera with her on any travels, and hasn’t been able to keep one out of her hands since the mid-80s.
Landscapes and the details of architecture and classic cars present the most interest to her. Finding the everyday element that anyone can look at but few see is the continual challenge, and the most gratifying moments are when others experience that ‘Aha’ moment of seeing through her lens of life.
In addition to photography, Glory is now pursuing oil painting using palette knife technique. Photography has been a door to ‘seeing’, and the emotions encountered and remembered from photography adventures are more easily expressed and shared through painting. Expanded values and contrasts allow energies to radiate through light and air, engaging the viewer in the resolution of abandonment and order, chaos and serenity.
Glory Penington
Taos, NM Website | View All Works