Molly Lawson is a western heritage photographer based in Barnsdall, Oklahoma. She is a born and raised rancher’s daughter and has kept her ranching heritage roots; marrying a cattleman and raising their two sons to be cattlemen. Her artistic journey began in late 2019 when she was on the verge of quitting her portrait photography business after photographing her husband one afternoon. Since that afternoon, she went on to host her very first art show at a local museum and has since photographed many ranches and cowboys in their element including showing at several museums and local art shows.
This study of cowboy scenes brings the viewer into a cowboy’s world. To celebrate the individuality that cowboys are most known for, celebrate their grit and respect their truth – the cowboy isn’t a dying breed, he is up before most others keeping his nose down and working until the sun goes down. The fundamental reasons a cowboy cares for his livelihood is the inspiration, and my viewers are given a personal window into this world they can’t see from the big cities and fast highways.